
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Will My Teacher Rating Have a Sandy Variable?

So we're looking at missing at least a week of school where I am. That's a solid five days of test prep learning my students won't have compared to other students who are their "academic peers."

Well, if I'm going to be missing out on a merit pay bonus because my score doesn't take this into account, I think I'll have no choice but to sue!

So let's find a place in here somewhere:

To put in a "Sandy variable." It's only fair:

OK, now we can account for the fact my kids missed a week of test prep education when making my state-mandated evaluation. This is sure to be free of statistical noise and unaccounted variables now! I'm already feeling much more motivated...

(Did I make my point, or do I need to add some more snark?)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope all of these anti union idiots are happy when two years from now they are trying to strip tenure from a teacher for factors out of the teacher's control that they are willing to pay for the hordes of lawsuits that they will inevitably have to pay for due to the unreliable nature of these insane metrics.
    My district PAID to use the Stronge evaluation system and it crows that a teacher, at MOST, only can account for 30% of a student's test score!! Yep, that'll make this 50% of your eval is based on student scores hold up REALLY well in court!

  3. Assuming New Jersey's VAM began in the 2011-2012 school year, have you received the results yet? Many districts in Florida are still waiting. So much for the business-like efficiency these politicians promised to bring to government.

  4. They are holding them for after the election....


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