
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Voucher Polling: It's All How You Ask

Monmouth Poll, 8/28/11:
Would you support or oppose using tax funds to pay for a voucher program so children living in low-income areas can go to a different school? 
  • Support 55% 
  • Oppose 34% 
  • (VOL)Depends 5% 
  • (VOL)Don't know 5%

Quinnipiac Poll, 4/21/11:
34. Do you favor or oppose providing parents with tax money in the form of school vouchers to help pay for their children to attend private or religious schools? [emphasis mine] 
  • Favor: 39%
  • Oppose: 56%
  • DK/NA: 6%
Now, look carefully. What's the difference in the questions? (Hint: look for the bold and underline)



  1. The first question also states that the kids are "living in low-income areas," while the second one doesn't make that stipulation; could this also have something to do with the difference in the results?

  2. www.schoolfinance101.wordpress.comSeptember 4, 2011 at 4:08:00 AM PDT

    Note also that the first question says "voucher," implying by its usual usage that it refers to private schooling, but does not specify in the question. In fact, it broadly states "different" school which could be either public or private. As a result, this question really refers to the combination of charter options, NJOSA and current interdistrict choice programs. But, it seems implied through all of the media spin that this question found broad support for NJOSA. Not true at all due to the absurd ambiguity

  3. I read this as people in general are willing to use tax dollars to support the education of "low-income" students, but may be weary of spending tax dollars to support private and religious schooling. Interesting considering that the NJOSA is proposing to use 25% of its funds to support students ALREADY attending those schools and who may not be classified as "underprivileged" or "low-income". I work with special needs students in the inner city, and none of these programs will ever help them, so I don't support them.

  4. An earlier question had already stated expressly that vouchers can be used at any public or private school. But yeah, it didn't single out religion, and therefore didn't elicit the bigotry against religion that you seem to have been hoping for.


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