
Saturday, August 13, 2011

People who will NOT be on MSNBC's Education Show

ADDING: Tell MSNBC what you think about their show airing tomorrow - politely, of course. Facebook, Twitter, and email contacts at link.

ALSO: Here's who WILL be on.

Here are some people who would have been great panelists for MSNBC's show on education, but, for some strange reason, weren't invited:
Any of these people would have been a helpful addition to the show. How odd that none of them were home when MSNBC called...

ADDING: I know I forgot so many great people. Shame on me for not including:


  1. So who are they getting instead? I didn't see the panel listed on their website.

  2. Anon, see the previous post. They've been tweeting the panels.

  3. Would love to see the actual guest list. My prediction: A bunch of corporate edreform shills (too easy!).

  4. How about Alfie Kohn? How about anyone with a clue, what a farce

  5. Chad - that is a TERRIBLE omission on my part! Fixing immediately.

  6. great point and great list! i know you can't get everyone, but i would also suggest dr. richard rothstein, dr. john thompson and david b. cohen.

    also, i think matt dicarlo has a phd. deborah meier might too, but i'm less sure of that one.

    an education panel without teachers is a joke. kind of infuriating.

  7. I happen to be available.


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