
Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Mommy, why do people hate teachers?"

When I picked up my first grader from school today, at five o'clock because I work late on Fridays, he told me a gut-wrenching tale of what happened today. Here is our conversation:

"Mom, you won't believe what happened today. [Jimmy] got in trouble because he was running around the room, and when [the teacher] told him to sit down, he said, 'My dad says I don't have to listen to you. He said teachers are stupid, lazy, and greedy, and I don't have to listen to you.'" (from the mouths of babes)

"What did your teacher say?" (His school's teacher of the year, and someone I greatly respect.)

"She said, 'It's very sad that your father thinks that.' He got sent to the office. Mom, why did he say that? Why do people hate teachers?"

(Now what? How do I respond? How do you explain anger and hate to a child?)
To all of you bad-mouthing teachers: understand this is really happening. It's not yet pervasive, but you can't expect the continuing demonization of teachers not to have some effect in the classroom.

And not just some of the kids; some of the parents are taking a different attitude with teachers as well. It's disturbing, but altogether predictable.

The good news is that Teacher Mom has joined the Jersey education blogosphere: check her out!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A friend of mine who was wearing a t-shirt with the logo for our local association. He stopped at a store and as he was going in, he held the door for a woman coming out. Her response upon seeing his shirt? "Do I have to pay you extra for that too?" This attitude is spreading like a disease.

  3. This culture of teaching bashing is quite worrisome. It will drive good people out of the profession and keep potential teachers from even considering teaching as a viable career.

    The only thing our current Governor is accomplishing is gutting infrastructure. I don't see how that builds a long-term career as a leader.


  4. The principal should tell the parent to put his money where his mouth is and homeschool his little brat. You think teacher are lazy? See if your kid turns out better doing it yourself.

  5. Its a shame when people with noble proffesions such as teachers, firefighters & police have to feel ashamed of having a living wage. All this while the Governor and his friends make obscene salaries. All this while the Blue Cross/Horizon maintains a virtual monopoly on healthcare in this state...its getting to be to damn much. I`m a fireman & I started a please visit.

  6. I'm not sure how the police are in the same boat as teachers. Teachers need Bachelors and Masters degrees. Police don't. Teachers average salary is $48K where I am. Our police average is $86K. Police are respected. Teachers are spit on as lazy and greedy. Our governor is pathetic to perpetuate these feelings. We're headed for the best and brightest avoiding teaching and our country will be doomed.

  7. Police are not respected by Christi. Nor are firemen. He made the same promise that he ended up breaking to us as he did teachers. I`m a firefighter in Elizabeth and I see what the police have to contend with. Their lives are on the line.They deserve their salaries! Gangs do not care about if a cop goes home at the end of their shift. Christi doesnt care either.

  8. What we do is important...and so we perservere until the world finds someone else to pick on...

  9. Thanks for commenting, everyone. Please visit the original post by TeacherMom!

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