
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me: 3 Years of the Jazzman!

Since March 30, 2010:

- 1,905 posts

- 7,868 tweets.

- Approx. 15,000 dangling prepositions.

- 3,142 uses of the phrase "massive hypocrite."

- 76 spreadsheet files.

- Easily 50 separate downloads of the same damn file from NJDOE.

- Untold tables built at the Common Core of Data.

- Weekly astonishment at how much you Facebookers love posts about Michelle Rhee.

- Great inspiration from all the writers at the left.

- Great inspiration from all the commenters.

- Sincere thanks for all the RTers and Likers and reposters and rebloggers.

- One great Jazzboy going to college.

- Another great Jazzboy home for two more years.

- A Mrs. Jazzman who tells me straight up when my last post makes absolutely no sense, and is far too gorgeous to be married to a guy like me.

- Deep appreciation and thanks for all who read and support this blog.

Let's keep going, shall we?

No, governor, you may not have a piece...

How come youse don't put me in da blog no more?



  2. Thank you JJ and Happy Easter. Happy Passover. Happy Birthday! Thank you for fighting for all of us.

  3. Thank you for all your hard work, your sense of justice and your determination to set the record straight.

  4. Thank you, Duke, and I guess even more so to the Dutchess!!

    Very best regards,

    Mike Kaufman!

  5. Jazzman,
    Thank you for your service to the great Public Schools of New Jersey.

    You are a state treasure!


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