
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Christie's Secret Teacher Meetings?

Did you know Chris Christie was having closed-door meetings with teachers? Neither did I.
 Governor Christie 
@ Already having priv mtgs w/teachers. Have had 4 so far--no administration, no press. I am learning a great deal abt their issues
Really? Care to share it with the rest of us? Especially since your screwing around with my career.


  1. I have seen newspaper articles about at least two of these - one in Willingboro and one up north somewhere. They seem to be in urban areas with troubled districts - absolutely perfect for his charter school/voucher programs.

  2. I wonder how many of his friends own charter schools

  3. Rob, was there any report of who was invited? What they discussed?

  4. I work in a district where a meeting was held. He talked with teachers from the district about our concerns "on the ground." It was reported there were issues brought to his attention by these teachers he had not considered. He also pressed some of his reform points. He was civil, polite and respectful. I think that's why he did not want the press there. He is secretly being nice to teachers. Wouldn't play well with the press and his carefully cultivated image. There weren't any administrators because he wanted them to beable to speak freely about their issues without fear of disiplinary actions form the district.


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