
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Potosnak is a Chorister! YES!!!

Music teachers like me have got to LOVE Ed Potosnak!
Going to the game today? 
Ed Potosnak, proud Rutgers alum and Democratic challenger in NJ-7 against Leonard Lance, will be performing the National Anthem and the Alma Mater today before Rutgers Homecoming Football Game against Tulane University.  He'll be singing with the Rutgers University Glee Club and alumni. Once upon a time, Potosnak was President of that Glee Club, which was founded in 1872, and is the oldest student-run organization at Rutgers. He was a 1996 undergrad, and a 1999 Graduate School of Education grad. Here's what Potosnak said today:
Singing on the field at homecoming is a time honored tradition for the Glee Club and its alumni. Cheering the Scarlet Knights on Saturdays was one of the highlights of my time at Rutgers as an undergraduate and graduate student.  I can't wait to get back to the Banks of the Old Raritan this Saturday.  Let's go RU!
Code red!
We have got to get this guy elected...

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