
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

AFT=Smart; NJEA=Clueless

The AFT shows they have far more brains than the NJEA by endorsing Ed Potosnak for Congress:
Potosnak, a high school chemistry teacher who taught in Bridgewater and a part time lecturer at Rutgers University for over a decade, has made improving education a centerpiece of his campaign. 
Potosnak has advocated for increased federal and state commitment to public schools.
Potosnak’s opponent, Congressman Leonard Lance, voted against the Education, Jobs, and Medicaid Assistance Act, which paid down the deficit while providing $268 million to New Jersey schools to retain or rehire 4,000 New Jersey teachers, as well as hiring more nurses, firefighters and police officers. 
“On behalf of 30,000 teachers, professors, and education workers, the American Federation of Teachers (AFTNJ) is proud to endorse Ed Potosnak for Congress in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District,” said AFTNJ President William Lipkin.   “Ed knows that New Jersey families and businesses value education.”
The NJEA remains completely clueless, of course. Why they would refuse to endorse ONE OF THEIR OWN MEMBERS is absolutely beyond me; it's not like Len Lance is such a great friend of us "negligible" teachers.


  1. Seriously, what are they smoking at the NJEA these days? They can't seem to do ANYTHING. In the vent that I ever do actually find a teaching job, I wonder if I should even join, or just pay the portion I need to without joining as a sort of protest. They truly seem incompetent lately, is it just me?

  2. It isn't just you. I wish I knew what was going on, but it's time to clean house if this keeps up.


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